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news & stories from the City of Auburn

Historic Preservation Commission applications open through March 24

March 10 2025

AUBURN, Ala.- The Auburn City Council is accepting applications to fill two vacancies on the Historic Preservation Commission. The terms will begin April 21 and end April 20, 2028.

The Historic Preservation Commission assures that Auburn’s historic resources are maintained in a manner appropriate to the City’s heritage. The commission provides primary guidance for property owners, residents and contractors in the planning and design of projects that are sympathetic to the special character of the historic district, assuring that property values are maintained and enhanced.

Members serve three-year terms and must demonstrate training or expertise in the fields of history, architecture, architectural history, urban planning, archaeology, law or be residents of a historic district or property. No more than one-fifth of the members of the commission may be public officials.

The Historic Preservation Commission meets the second Tuesday of each month at 4 p.m. Those interested in serving are invited to apply online using the link at Applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. on March 24. The City Council will make appointments at its April 1 meeting.