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news & stories from the City of Auburn

Downtown Trick or Treat recruiting local business sponsors

August 20 2024

AUBURN, Ala.- This Fall, Auburn’s favorite Halloween event is back! The 24th-annual Downtown Trick or Treat will be on Thursday, Oct. 31, from 6-8 p.m. in downtown Auburn.

During the event, tables will line College Street and Magnolia Avenue and will serve as candy stops. Auburn Parks and Recreation is currently seeking the support of local businesses, organizations and community groups to sponsor a table.

Table sponsors would be responsible for decorating their assigned table and handing out candy to all the trick-or-treaters. A minimum of 10 bags of candy, one table and two chairs will be provided for each candy stop. Additional decorations or treats are optional and must be supplied by the table sponsor. There is no fee to sponsor a table.

Table sponsor registration can be found at under Downtown Trick or Treat 2024.

We are also welcoming sponsors for the annual costume contests. Categories include Most Original, Spookiest, Best Group, Best Individual and Best Pet! Sponsor’s names will be announced during the event and during the contest judging process.

If you would like to contribute or require additional information, please reach out to Maura Toohey at